This phase of development was approved in August 2022 and includes the internal loop road, drainage and over 11 hectares of public open space with a variety of play spaces across the scheme.
Following a period of poor weather which delayed work on the play areas between Phases 1 and 2, we are pleased to report that great progress has been made. As can be seen from the photographs below, the play equipment is fully installed, and the area is turfed. Once the turf has settled in, the play area will be available for use. This should take approximately 3-5 weeks.
The remainder of the open space has been cultivated and prepared for seeding and should be completed by early February. A further period of approximately 8-10 weeks will be required to allow the grass to mature.

Travel Plan information
In order to provide Travel Plan information to residents, the Autumn Travel Plan Newsletter can be accessed here
The Bridleway Open to All Traffic (BOAT)
Discussions are taking place with the LPA and PROW teams at WSC and SCC to agree a temporary surface to enable the PROW to be re-opened.