Persimmon Homes are committed to pursuing sustainability across our scheme through a variety of ways, which includes the Bee Friendly Award scheme, planning for Healthy Living, Energy Efficient Homes and Improving Biodiversity and Ecology.

Persimmon Homes and the Homes for Nature Commitment

Persimmon Homes have committed to delivering a sector wide Homes for Nature Commitment which goes beyond Biodiversity Net Gain Regulations, collaboratively developed by the Future Homes Hub. This requires nature features to be installed within every new development;

  • Integral nest bricks or boxes at a ratio of 1 per plot
  • Hedgehog routes on developments where possible, with hedgehog holes
  • Planting to support pollinators and provide structural diversity
  • Nature friendly SUDs design and planting aligned with recognised good practice guidance for wildlife (e.g. Sustainable Drainage Systems (WWT, RSPB, 2012).

More information can be found via the following website;

Boyton Place is recognised as being a Bee Friendly development by the Bee Friendly Trust

In 2023, Persimmon Homes entered Boyton Place to win the Bee Friendly Trust’s Bee Friendly Award following extensive work with ecology consultants and West Suffolk’s Officers to create a development that has enhanced the natural realm for pollinators