The Local Centre designs are now in progress and Persimmon Homes are keen to consider and include local desires for this new community facility.

This area will include up to 750sqm commercial space, in a variety of forms, a new community plaza as well as additional new homes.

Workshops have been held with Haverhill Town Council, West Suffolk Council Officers, SCC Highways and Lead Local Flood Authority as well as High School Students from Samuel Ward and Castle Manor. These workshops have produced 3 Design Principle Plans, shared below;

Town Council Design Principles Plan

Samuel Ward Design Principle Plan

Castle Manor Principle Plan

To aid in designing a Local Centre that meets the desires of the end users, the local people, Persimmon Homes has created a 10-minute survey in the link below;


If you have additional ideas for the Local Centre, that you wish to pass on to the design and planning team, please do email them to