This parcel includes the provision of approximately 124 dwellings, as well as a local centre providing up to 750sqm commercial space, in a variety of forms and a new community plaza. The proposals are currently being designed alongside workshops and consultation events with the aim to submit a planning application by the Autumn of 2023.
The proposals will be in accordance with the approved Design Code and the development’s Environmental Statement.
A series of workshops have taken place between Persimmon, West Suffolk Council and Haverhill Town Council Workshops for an exciting mixed use development at the heart of our North West development. The proposals will include a landmark local centre and discussions are underway with commercial agents with a view to securing key tenants and the provision of a supermarket and café.
Proposals for the Local Centre include a striking plaza, will provide a key focal point and meeting space at the heart of our north west development in close proximity to the primary school site.
We propose to hold an exhibition in the Town Hall in due course where members of the public can view the proposals and leave comments. Dates will be communicated in advance via our website and the Haverhill Town Council.
It is anticipated that the application will be submitted in Spring 2024.
Public Consultation Results
A public consultation was held between 26th March and 16th April, which included an in person exhibition at Haverhill Library which was also viewable online. With a total of 35 respondents, the results have been displayed below.
Boyton Place Public Consultation- View the display here and fill out the survey online
Please click here to view the online public consultation boards.
Please fill out the online survey which can be found here:
Bee Friendly Local Centre
The Local Centre proposals will be furthering the development’s commitment to improving biodiversity, with a focus on pollinators. Wildflower and bulb planted areas and bee hotels will be integral to the landscaping along with information boards on how to identify bees and help protect them.
Persimmon Homes is committed to developing a sustainable development.