A planning application for Phase 3a and the Local Centre was submitted in October 2024, proposing 83 dwellings, with a range of 1 to 5 bedroom units (30% will be affordable housing). The scheme also includes the delivery of a local plaza area for the community and a commercial local centre building, with a supermarket and two more units (final uses to be confirmed). Proposals have undergone extensive workshops with West Suffolk Council Planning Officers, Suffolk County Council Highways and the Local Lead Flood Authority. The Haverhill Town council have been consulted throughout the design process.
As shown by the CGI’s below, the scheme incorporates contemporary design approach . The planning reference for the application is DC/24/1535/RM and further details can be found via the West Suffolk Council Website;
DC/24/1535/RM | Reserved matters application – a. application pursuant to hybrid permission SE/09/1283 for the construction of 83 dwellings and a Local Centre comprising a retail unit (E)a and 2 flexible units within the following uses approved at outline; retail (E)a, café/restaurant (E)b, financial and professional services (E)c, Medical or health services (E)e, Nursery/Day Centre (E)f, hot food takeaway (sui generis), community uses (F1) together with associated private amenity space, means of enclosure, car parking, vehicle and access arrangements together with proposed areas of landscaping and areas of open space for a phase of residential development known as Phase 3a and the Local Centre and b. application to discharge conditions B4, B8, B9, B16, B17 and B24 | Phase 3A Land Nw Of Haverhill Anne Sucklings Lane Haverhill Suffolk

Public Consultation Results
A public consultation was held between 26th March and 16th April, which included an in person exhibition at Haverhill Library which was also viewable online. With a total of 35 respondents, the results have been displayed below.

Boyton Place Public Consultation- View the display here and fill out the survey online
Please click here to view the online public consultation boards.
Please fill out the online survey which can be found here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MFGF3FB